Me again;)

OK, I got the icons gone and the color of the bar changed.

I'd like to throw out a comment out there that's semi-in response to Marcus
Fontenot and his criticisms of Gnome and it's 1.0 release.

I installed Gnome from RPMS back on 0.20.  It worked great for me then.  I
tried to install 1.0 onto a stock RedHat 5.2 system fresh from
installation, and no dice.  So I dropped the RPM idea and ran to src.  Now,
nearly anytime you compile things, file dependencies and libraries will
give you a headache or two.  Had I known a little _more_ about linux and
compilation, I wopuld have gotten this thing working in 4 hours, not four
days.  Id like to congratulate the Gnome team, and I hope to join them in
working on Gnome in the near future;)

Cory Watson
Computer Cafe Internet Services

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