Re: GNOME1.0 Probable Bugs & Questions

> > --- 2) Also, when I tried to add a menu entry using the menu editor with
> > the title "KDE / KMail", instead of taking that string verbatim and
> > putting it in the menu, it created the KDE directory and put KMail inside.
> > Then the program goes haywire, everytime I hit save it creates another KDE
> > directory. When I restart the menu editor any item I click on kills the
> > program.
> This is something quirky with GTK+ I believe.  GTK+ often uses the / to
> mark a folder.  The menu editor isn't picking this up.  Try escaping the /
> (ie instead of "KDE / KMail" use "KDE \/ KMail").

Mark? Make?

If GTK+ is creating a folder ( which seems to be the case when I venture
into .gnome), then this sounds like a 'bug' with GTK+. Does it strike
anyone as odd that part of the behaviour of a widget toolkit is to create
directories? The resulting behaviour on the menu editor ( and other
applications? ) don't contribute to 'user friendliness' either. Should
this be flagged as a bug?

> E doesn't setup virtual desktops in the default setup.  It has a 2x2
> pager.  Use e-conf to add virtual desktops.

What I meant was "virtual screens". I just realized that I should actually
be using "Goto Desktop Area X Y" instead of "Goto Desktop" in the hotkey
setup. No problem. Thanks.

> As I recall this was a minor foulup in the inst portion of control-center.
> You're not missing anything though.  The control-center tool to config E
> is just E-Conf in the CC.  As far as insisting on E, it doesn't.  There is
> a Window Manager capplet in control-center that you can use to change WMs.
> GNOME just has E set as the WM in the default session.

Where is this capplet. I don't see it anywhere. I heard that the
control-center RPM is messed up. Perhaps this is the reason why I don't
see it?


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