Gnome Mmeory Requirements: My System

I've just run Top to see the memory usage of my gnome programs, and I'm kinda
looking for feedback as to how it compares with other peoples gnome-memory
usage.  This is kind of a silly thing, but I'm a little curious to see if mine
is out of whack/very good/unbelievably bad/ or normal.  

Would putting this list as an attachment have been a better option ?

  5:36pm  up 19 days,  4:12,  4 users,  load average: 0.05, 0.11, 0.33
70 processes: 68 sleeping, 2 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  2.1% user,  2.7% system,  0.0% nice, 95.5% idle
Mem:   63200K av,  61416K used,   1784K free,  51652K shrd,   1328K buff
Swap: 130748K av,  11416K used, 119332K free                  9800K cached

 2860 root      17   0 17344  16M  1180 R       0  2.5 26.2   0:47 X
 3019 Amadeus    0   0  5236 5236  2508 S       0  0.0  8.2   0:00 mahjongg
 3014 Amadeus    0   0  3408 3408  2484 S       0  0.0  5.3   0:00 gcolorsel
 3001 Amadeus    0   0  3356 3356  2708 S       0  0.0  5.3   0:00 gnomecc
 2978 Amadeus    0   0  3240 3240  2560 S       0  0.0  5.1   0:00 gedit
 2929 Amadeus    3   0  3232 3232  2496 S       0  0.1  5.1   0:07 GnomepagerApp
 2997 Amadeus    0   0  3200 3200  2568 S       0  0.0  5.0   0:00 gtt
 2993 Amadeus    0   0  3188 3188  2472 S       0  0.0  5.0   0:00 freecell
 2937 Amadeus    0   0  3012 3012  2460 S       0  0.0  4.7   0:00 miniCommander
 2999 Amadeus    0   0  3004 3004  2428 S       0  0.0  4.7   0:00 gtcd
 3010 Amadeus    0   0  3004 3004  2396 S       0  0.0  4.7   0:00 gcalc
 2935 Amadeus    0   0  2900 2900  2376 S       0  0.0  4.5   0:00 cdplyerApplet
 2933 Amadeus    0   0  2880 2880  2356 S       0  0.0  4.5   0:00 mixer_applet
 3012 Amadeus    0   0  2872 2872  2372 S       0  0.0  4.5   0:00 gsearchtool
 2995 Amadeus    0   0  2840 2840  2344 S       0  0.0  4.4   0:00 ghex
 2931 Amadeus    0   0  2832 2832  2316 S       0  0.0  4.4   0:00 ModemlghtsApp
 2926 Amadeus    0   0  2800 2800  2292 S       0  0.0  4.4   0:00 GenUtilApplet
 2883 Amadeus    0   0  2624 2040   924 S       0  0.0  3.2   0:01 panel
 2900 Amadeus    0   0  2204 1996  1344 S       0  0.0  3.1   0:01 xfmail
 2894 Amadeus    2   0  1928 1796  1312 S       0  0.1  2.8   0:01 GnomeTerminal
 2864 Amadeus    4   0  2560 1640   864 S       0  0.3  2.5   0:05 enlightenment
 2942 Amadeus    0   0  1956 1592   992 S       0  0.0  2.5   0:01 irssi
 3003 Amadeus    0   0  1976 1572  1184 S       0  0.0  2.4   0:00 ee
 2865 Amadeus    0   0  1256 1060   720 S       0  0.0  1.6   0:00 gnome-session
 2868 Amadeus    0   0  1032  928   716 S       0  0.0  1.4   0:00 gnome-smproxy
 3008 Amadeus    0   0  1004  896   772 S       0  0.0  1.4   0:00 iagno
 2888 Amadeus    0   0  1640  740   392 S       0  0.0  1.1   0:01 gmc
 3035 Amadeus   18   0   632  632   488 R       0  1.5  1.0   0:00 top
 2907 Amadeus    6   0   588  544   424 S       0  0.0  0.8   0:00 bash
 2903 Amadeus    0   0   592  528   388 S       0  0.0  0.8   0:00 GnomeNameServ

Date: 07-Mar-99
Time: 17:25:39

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