Re: e-sound and real player...(a suggestion...)

I don't know if someone has suggested this or not...but what about a 
setting (checkbox) in the icon properties for a program that says 
"Suspend esd while running this application." or something like that?
Maybe this is already in the works...if not I could put this in the 
bug tracker.  Let me know.

There is a setting:  "Try this before using:"  that might be used to
do the same thing but I haven't had a chance to experiment with it.


>I've struggled with otther non gnome aps that want access to the
>/dev/dsp and from what I ahve gatherd from the posts you can do a few
>things.  First you can run the app like this: esddsp <programname>. 
>This will let the programes output paass through esd to the sound card. 
>ANother option is to run esd like this esd -as 2.  This is supposed to
>tell esd to free the /dev/dsp device up so its not locked.  I guess you
>can also use esdctl to suspend/resume esd.
>I'm trying to get Quake2 to work without haveing to leave gnome.  An
>untested solution at least on my part is to do the following:
>cd <location of esd> redhat rpms put it in /usr/bin
>mv esd esd.bin
>echo "#!/bin/sh" > esd
>echo "./esd.bin -as 2" >> esd
>chmod a+x esd
>This essentually creates a script that replaces the esd program that
>runs esd -as 2.
>Good luck
>Patrick Dunn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have found that esd, when running, will not allow Real Player 5 to
>> play any streams.  Real says it cannot access the audio device.  When I
>> kill esd it works fine though.  Is this a bug or an "undocumented
>> feature" :-)
>> Thanks,
>> Pat
>> --
>> Patrick Dunn, Web Developer, KC2BQZ,
>> Cortland NY Hamfest, June 12, 1999, Cortland NY
>> SANY Internet Publishing Services, Inc./
>> "Sell on the web without losing your shirt!"
>> --
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