Re: Question: feasibility of canvas? (for waveform editor)

On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Jason Tackaberry wrote:
> The contents of this window don't need to be manipulated at all, which is
> why I'm wondering if the canvas might not be the way to go.  Since I don't
> know gtk/gdk very well, could someone point me in the right direction?  I'd
> hate to spend days putting something together that ultimately will just be
> too slow to work properly.

If you're just displaying a sound wave GtkDrawingArea is probably more
appropriate. The canvas is appropriate if you need high-quality
antialiased display, or you want to keep track of or let the user interact
with various "objects" on the screen. It sounds like you just have one
object, the wave, so using the canvas would be pointless and probably too


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