Re: Text processor

> I remember a review of three top-notch word processors in a leading
> British computer magazine in which they actually tested the word count
> feature and found that they all got different results on the same piece,
> all of them different from the count one got using the magazines official
> rules.  They had a side bar explaining their rules and how each magazine
> typically had their own rules.

Peter, it's crazy, isn't it? Generally, at this point, all I
try to do is come up with, say, 2000 words +/- 10% in
whatever counter I'm using, and hope everyone is happy.

I'm starting to notice a trend in writing payment toward
flat fees for given types of artcles, based on apporximate
word lengths, rather than paying by exact counts. But this
deserves study. If you happen to recall the name of the
magazine that ran the article (or better yet, its URL),
please send it to me. Hmmm...

-- Robin Miller

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