Re: Don't overlook Simplicity.

Desert Rain <> writes:

| There are some great ideas out there for advanced level features, but if
| you want to crack the home users, you have to combine advanced features
| with "Dummy Safe" features.  When a newbie uses Linux, he's looking for
| the icon that will start his browser, which will auto connect him to the
| net, get his e-mail, and cook his dinner.  They don't care which drag
| and drop scheme they are accessing.  He/she wants a system that can
| answer its own questions, and won't bother him/her for initialization
| strings, custom configs, or even to ask if he wants hot or mild on his
| burritos (mmmm, fooood...).  We already have graphical interfaces (I'm

And these people manage to get a drivers licence, children, filling
out the tax form etc, but when it comes to computers they are suddenly
as smarts as an average monkey? The problem lies elsewhere.

The point I'm making is that if we keep making computer systems so
simple that a single mouse click will start a program that writes and
publishes a book for you we're on the wrong track. 

Computers are tools and one have to _learn_ how to handle tools. Most
people gets a black thumb when handling a hammer, but after a time
they get it right. 

The solution does not lie in making programs more and more simplistic
so that you end up with GUIs that limits the freedom and power. 

I think there are three important aspects. (and probably more)

1. A good default setting 

    Have yet to see one. Most default settings are so bad that you
    wonder why they even made one.

2. A good system for getting help/information

    The latter of course implies that there is help available. In most
    cases there are not much, as documentation is not a priority for
    most coders. Many would say RTFSC and be content :-)

    Here it is _very_ important that the docs have real life examples
    that the reader can understand. A good book/document always
    specify what it expects that the user is familiar with.

3. Make the user understand that her/his life will be a lot easier if
   he/she puts a little effort in learning/looking up written

    One thing that one should not do is making a small clip-guy that
    talk to you and is nothing but annoying. This, which a well known
    company uses is turning people away from using help.

Preben Randhol             oO     "Don't think about domination,  think
[]        .`  ;     about freedom, it doesn't dominate."
[]   \ G                  -- RMS, LinuxWorld 1999.
                           `_) n o m e 

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