Re: Raising windows from the Gnome Pager

On Sat, 12 Jun 1999, Xiang Liu wrote:

> In fact I have this window raising problem, too. From what I've noticed,
> the middle button only (de)iconifies a window, but doesn't raise it.
> On Sat, 12 Jun 1999, Michael Epting wrote:
> > Richard, try clicking the pager with the middle button.

I have also noticed this about the middle button.  I have to click twice
on the pager icon to raise the window.  It works, but it's irritating.

Apparently the gnome update RPMs at
fix the problem, but I haven't gotten around to downloading and installing
them yet. /* Insert curses about USWorst's lousy phone line quality and
the unavailability of ISDN or DSL here, along with *grumble* */

If anyone notices that those updates help, please let me know.

   (finger for PGP public key)
  "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend, to the
               death, your right to say it." -- Voltaire

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