Re: Changing fonts in Gnome applications

On Tue, 8 Jun 1999, Gary R. Walsh wrote:
> How do you change fonts in Gnome applications?  In OS/2 one can just
> drag and drop from the Font Palette to any window, sub-window or menu, 
> etc. to change any font.  I am running at 1280X1024 and I find the
> fonts in many Gnome and X applications too tiny and I can't seem to
> figure out how to change the them.

For Gtk/Gnome apps, put something like this in your ~/.gtkrc:

style "default"
  font = "-b&h-lucida-bold-r-normal-sans-12-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1"

class "GtkWidget" style "default"

Keep in mind that some themes might override your font.

To see the possible fonts, run 'xfontsel' which comes with X.
Actually I think we have a 'gfontsel' too that's a bit nicer; it's in
gnome-utils I bet.

For other X apps you can set X resources, see 'man X' and 'man xrdb' to
get started on that.


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