Re: Another GMC request...

On Tue, 8 Jun 1999, Ben Frantzdale wrote:

->I remember the first time I saw MacOS8. I don't particularly like the
->MacOS, but one cool feature was this: if you drag a file over a folder and
->wait for a second, the folder is opened, allowing the user to drag and
->drop a file to anywhere without opening the destination first. 
->This would be especially usefull in GMC because (unlike mac and win I
->think) GMC shows a ".." directory, so one could coppy a file from
->/abc/def/ghi/ to /abc/def/xyz/ in one drag by opening the /abc/def/ghi/
->directory and draging the file to ".." then to "xyz"

Very nice! I second it. The delay would have to be configurable, but this
doesn't sound too hard to implement...

Am I right?

While on the subject, any chance of

** Keyboard navgation in the left-hand pane

** Mini-icon view (like brief but with real icons and more than one

** Remember settings on close (internal sizes, view etc)

** Option to use a smaller toolbar

** Tab completion in Location bar

I'm checking gnome out of CVS now (and for the last several hours), so I
may be able to get some of this going myself if it helps. (It'll take me a
while to get used to the code first....)

     | Tom Gilbert, England            |
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