[ANNOUNCE] Molasses 1.0.0


I'm announcing my most recent project.. A small and light Postit note
type program (a la Knotes, gNotes, etc) for GNOME. Written cause none
of the other notes programs worked and i really needed one,.. so I 
wrote one and named it Molasses (Positit's are sticky.. molasses is 
sticky.. =)

anyhow.. customisable interface, etc...

you can get it at http://bsenet.cjb.net/molasses

| Alex Roberts          | Find me on IRC                    |
| <bse@dial.pipex.com>  |  DALnet #Gothic, #LinuxOS         |
|                       |-----------------------------------|
| http://bsenet.cjb.net |     ICQ:36648519 - AIM:bseGoth    |
|--------------------< .signature-v4.1 >--------------------|
\- Catch me on NebulaMUSH (http://nebula2130.com) - Reznor -/

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