Re: Gnome-terminal: secure keyboard?

>                                 - Jim
> Jim, I'm not sure you're talking about the same thing I was
> talking about, but I may be wrong.
> In xterm, when you set 'secure keyboard' (in the
> CTRL-leftbtton menu), no other X app can
> receive keystrokes until you set it back to normal.  It's
> used when entering plaintext passwords, etc. so that rogue
> app's can't snoop on what you're typing, I believe.  Xterm
> swaps the foreground and background colors to remind the
> user s/he's in that mode.

You are right: I'm talking about something slightly different, that
a terminal emulator should not trust any event that has the "send event"
flag set, or it is prone to attack by someone trying to get control
of your machine (which is why that flag is in the protocol in the first
			- Jim

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