Re: GUI of Windows2001 (my gut reaction, then something for cons

On 30 Jul, wrote:
| Paul Dorman writes:
|  > wrote:
|  > > Paul Dorman writes:
|  > >  > A second thing I'd like to say is that the open source community, as
|  > >  > abhorent as the very concept may be, might be forced to secure
|  > >  > intellectual property rights over technology developed within the
|  > >  > community.
|  > > "Free speech" mean tolerating all speech, even speech aimed at
|  > > eliminating free speech.
| > Huh?? May I be the first person to say "What the... ??!!"...
| Producing free software means tolerating all uses of that software,
| even proprietary software.  I thought it would be obvious.  I don't
| like to hit people over the head with "And the moral is ...".

He's right.  NB:  the use of proprietary-software-ish tricks in the GPL
is one of the biggest problems I have with it.  Two wrongs don't make a
right, and using the very mechanisms the FSF supposedly wants to
abolish in the GPL cheapens and potentially seriously weakens it --- as
in, could be used against it in a court challenge.

brandon s. allbery	[os/2][linux][solaris][japh]
system administrator	     [WAY too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering					 KF8NH
carnegie mellon university	  ["better check the oblivious first" -ke6sls]

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