Re: GUI of Windows2001 (my gut reaction, then something for cons

On 30-Jul-99 Paul Dorman wrote:
> Actually, is there a project looking at the full range of GUI
> sophistication anywhere? At the moment the Gnome community is working
> for itself, and new features for newbies are added at a rate which
> (presumably) reflects the rate at which new users come to Linux and the
> other OS's which use these GUIs.
> I'd like to see the theming ability
> which exists now be extended to system wide themability. That would
> enable the development of, for example, a 'training' interface for
> Linux, which starts users off with a very simple just-get-the-work-done
> kind of interface, and then takes the user through tutorials whereby
> they learn about Linux (I'll just stay with that if you don't mind - I
> recognise and applaud all the other OS's working with Gnome, but it's
> just too much typing...)
Recently I got the gtkstep theme which needed it's own gtk engine to be
installed, because it had the scrollbar's arrows positioned differently. I just
started babling. Another great possibility to better copy other OS, or to
create a new different look. 

 at their own pace. As they do each tutorial,
> the sytem gives them access to more of the OS. So they are started off
> with links to just the productivity apps they use, and very little of
> the file system. The GUI also presents them with a list of tutorial
> subjects they can go through which would, once done, give them access to
> more features. They could of course at any time go back to an earlier
> stage.

But do you think my mother likes to play with buttons and menus?:) I understand
totally Microsoft's idea for the Neptune, and I can fully imagine my mother to
power on the computer and go shopping, see a new recipe from the net, or start
writing a novel, just by clicking on go shopping, get a new recipe, start
writing a text.
Another reason I put the link here was that, if you noticed, all the links were
to top comercial sites, and I can imagine people using neptune will not bother
to look for other sites. Neither will they  bother with installing something
different than MSOffice, or different than Internet Explorer, or different than
MS Messenger(or whatever), etc, etc... If Microsoft has OS Monopoly, then it
will get a complete dektop monopoly, if not a complete internet monopoly.
But enough with Microsoft.

> To do this I think we would need to modularize the theme capabilities
> (if it hasn't already been done), work it so that many GUI and system
> components and tools from various projects can work together,  and allow
> themes to govern access to things like the filesystem, network
> resources, configuration dialogues, etc.
> If work was done to get this sort of capability we could have a gui
> system much better than 'those other people' by, say, half way through
> next year. Mighty Morphin Power GUI!
I think that it was a great idea to have themes . So the
next logical step is if it could be extended to ALL kinds of GUI's easily
(not only click and point ones), so anyone could design a kind of startpage GUI,
or a 3d GUI, etc., without thinking on the internals...


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