Re: Upgrading with gnorpm

* W. Scott Wilburn ( [990726 18:03]:
> Hi,
> 	I have several machines with RH 6.0 and am finding it challenging
> to keep up with the RH updates. Is there a simple way to use gnorpm to do
> this without checking the version of each package individually (I always
> forget which machine was upgraded when)? If not, would it be worth
> considering a button to sync everything to the current versions?
> Best regards,
> Scott

AFAIK, the CVS version of gnorpm has an improved install window,
which only shows apps not currently installed, or of newer verisons.

Not quite what you need, and I agree a sync option would be cool, but
it may help for the time being...

    .^.     | Tom Gilbert, England | |
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