
This topic is more general, but as GNOME seems to be concerned
about ease of use it should adress it somehow.

As soon, as Linux (BSD etc.) will become mainstream we are
probably facing a load of viruses (trojans, worms etc.).
These will start to proliferate the same way they do in WinMac
world for the simple reason that all installing in unix have
to be done as superuser.
Until now most Linux users have been a kind of hackers, who
know, what they do. But things start to change... And the
average users are always willing to download strange binary
programs from the dark corners of net.

Does anybody have a good solution? Or am I a bit paranoic?

I have currently following ideas:
1. Force the use of signed packages (seems a bit oppressive)
2. All installers should default to executing scripts/programs
   from installable package only if these are signed and trusted.
   The same requirement stands for installing suid root binaries.

Lauris Kaplinski

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