Re: Desk Guide (was: RE: GNOME Summary, June 28 - July 4)

    At the risk of starting another holy war, Enlightenment (0.16devel2 in
CVS) has a pager that lets you drag between is actually very
nice. Oh yah, even 0.15.5 has the pager in it (by accident though).

>Desk Guide has given me hope for multiple desktops under gnome (dumps core
>every thirty seconds or so, but hey, it's CVS), but I can't help but to
>wonder: will gnome never have a pager that allows dragging applications?
>This is functionality I greatly miss from fvwm2's pager--just a
>middle-button drag and any app is moved to another screen or even desktop
>without ever having to map it.  Is this every planned for addition?
>Nathan Clegg
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