Re: libaudiofile and mpeg audio

On 12 Jan, Dietmar Maurer scribbled:
->  Hello,
->  I've just written some code to include MPEG-audio support into
->  libaudiofile.
->  It uses the MPEG-audio decoder from XingTech, which is under the GPL and


this IS important

audiofile is currently GPL - needs to change to LGPL (i just noticed).

NB - do you have encoder source too? THAT woudl be VERY useful then
since audiofile can the be used to generate and decode the mpeg audio -
I for one will in a heartbeat covert all audio to MPEG - it' sbetter
than 11Khz 8bit mono... :)

->  part of the freeamp project. One drawback is that the decoder is not
->  distributed
->  as a separate library until now.
->  One possibility is to include the MPEG-library into the audiofile
->  package until
->  the freeamp-team release it as sparate package.
->  Is this OK or are there any other suggestions?
->  Does anybody knows another (better?) mpeg decoder library (GPLed)?
->  -------------------------------------------------
->  Brett A. Thomas wrote (from the freeamp team)
->  >On Mon, Jan 11, 1999 at 10:24:22AM +0100, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
->  >> Hello,
->  >>
->  >> we are writing an generic audio library (libaudiofile - see Gnome
->  CVS) and
->  >> want to include MPEG audio support. I've recently detected that the
->  XingTech
->  >> MPEG decoder is part of the freeamp-player, and that it is GPL'ed.
->  The only
->  >> problem is that the decoder-library is not distributed as a separate
->  >> package.
->  >>
->  >> So the question is if you are willing to supply the decoder-library
->  as a
->  >> separate package?
->  >
->  >We don't really have time to do this at this time - we're focused on
->  >FreeAmp as an end-user product, at the moment.  Also, for what it's
->  >worth, the Xing decoder in its current form is reasonably slow, and
->  >I'm not sure you'd want to use it for that, anyway.
->  >
->  >We will consider it, in the future, however.
->  >
->  >On Tue, Jan 12, 1999 at 09:30:23AM +0100, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
->  >> I think the decoder is fast enough to be usable. I've already
->  extracted
->  >> the decoder from freeamp, and it's possible to include it into the
->  >> audiofile-library. So if you don't have time to release it as
->  separate
->  >> package, we can include it temporary into our library (without making
->  modifications).
->  >>
->  >> Do you object to this plan. It would be really nice to have
->  MPEG-support in
->  >> the audiofile library.
->  >
->  >As long as the audiofile library is under the GPL, I've got no
->  >objections (and they'd be irrelevant, even if I had them).  It'd be
->  >nice if you mentioned us in the documentation, of course.
->  -------------------------------------------------

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