Re: Midnight Commander 4.5.18 is out

Neat deadlock in gmc..

Not sure how to reproduce this one, but try this.
drag stuff around, arrange icons, drag more stuff around, arrange icons
click on stuff, pull the properties up on each thing, cancel, drag stuff around
arrange icons, more clicks ... Hang.

Here is a bt for what its worth:
(gdb) attach 14294
Attaching to program `/usr/bin/gmc', process 14294
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/X11R6/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/X11R6/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/X11R6/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/X11R6/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /lib/
Reading symbols from /lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /lib/
Reading symbols from /lib/
Reading symbols from /lib/
Reading symbols from /lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /lib/
Reading symbols from /lib/
Reading symbols from /lib/
Reading symbols from /lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
0x404879b0 in chunk_free (ar_ptr=0x404dbbd0, p=0x830c148) at malloc.c:2974
malloc.c:2974: No such file or directory.
(gdb) bt
#0  0x404879b0 in chunk_free (ar_ptr=0x404dbbd0, p=0x830c148) at malloc.c:2974
#1  0x404876a1 in __libc_free (mem=0x830c150) at malloc.c:2877
#2  0x4042032d in g_free (mem=0x830c150) at gmem.c:394
#3  0x4041e615 in g_list_foreach (list=0x81410a0, func=0x8063114 <g_free>, 
    user_data=0x0) at glist.c:487
#4  0x402e4974 in gdk_window_cache_destroy (cache=0x8240f18) at gdkdnd.c:396
#5  0x402e4437 in gdk_drag_context_unref (context=0x81d4c40) at gdkdnd.c:166
#6  0x402e9a79 in gdk_event_free (event=0x819a968) at gdkevents.c:728
#7  0x402eb164 in gdk_event_dispatch (source_data=0x0, 
    current_time=0xbffffac0, user_data=0x0) at gdkevents.c:2075
#8  0x4041f123 in g_main_dispatch (current_time=0xbffffac0) at gmain.c:640
#9  0x4041f6db in g_main_iterate (block=1, dispatch=1) at gmain.c:847
#10 0x4041f891 in g_main_run (loop=0x821d280) at gmain.c:905
#11 0x4023d70b in gtk_main () at gtkmain.c:457
#12 0x80a7348 in gtkrundlg_event ()
#13 0x8068ae3 in run_dlg ()
#14 0x80a7681 in create_panels ()
#15 0x8064d1d in suspend_cmd ()
#16 0x80654b3 in midnight_callback ()
#17 0x8065fce in main ()

Here is the argument dump
(gdb) up
#1  0x404876a1 in __libc_free (mem=0x830c150) at malloc.c:2877
malloc.c:2877: No such file or directory.
(gdb) up
#2  0x4042032d in g_free (mem=0x830c150) at gmem.c:394
394           free (mem);
(gdb) display *mem
1: *mem = Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.
Disabling display 1 to avoid infinite recursion.
(gdb) up
#3  0x4041e615 in g_list_foreach (list=0x81410a0, func=0x8063114 <g_free>, 
    user_data=0x0) at glist.c:487
487           (*func) (list->data, user_data);
(gdb) display *list
2: *list = {data = 0x830c150, next = 0x81416f4, prev = 0x8141658}
(gdb) up
#4  0x402e4974 in gdk_window_cache_destroy (cache=0x8240f18) at gdkdnd.c:396
396       g_list_foreach (cache->children, (GFunc)g_free, NULL);
(gdb) display cache->children
3: cache->children = (GList *) 0x81410a0
(gdb) display *cache->children
4: *cache->children = {data = 0x830d2f0, next = 0x8140f68, prev = 0x0}
(gdb) up
#5  0x402e4437 in gdk_drag_context_unref (context=0x81d4c40) at gdkdnd.c:166
166             gdk_window_cache_destroy (private->window_cache);
(gdb) display *context
5: *context = {protocol = GDK_DRAG_PROTO_XDND, is_source = 1, 
  source_window = 0x81b4d20, dest_window = 0x8197ad0, targets = 0x8142b4c, 
  actions = 46, suggested_action = GDK_ACTION_COPY, action = GDK_ACTION_MOVE, 
  start_time = 0}
(gdb) display *private->window_cache
6: *private->window_cache = {children = 0x81410a0, child_hash = 0x81f2208, 
  old_event_mask = 4194304}
(gdb) up
#6  0x402e9a79 in gdk_event_free (event=0x819a968) at gdkevents.c:728
728           gdk_drag_context_unref (event->dnd.context);
(gdb) display *event
7: *event = {type = GDK_DROP_FINISHED, any = {type = GDK_DROP_FINISHED, 
    window = 0x81b4d20, send_event = 1 '\001'}, expose = {
    type = GDK_DROP_FINISHED, window = 0x81b4d20, send_event = 1 '\001', 
    area = {x = 7, y = 19520, width = 2077, height = 42100}, count = 1638446}, 
  no_expose = {type = GDK_DROP_FINISHED, window = 0x81b4d20, 
    send_event = 1 '\001'}, visibility = {type = GDK_DROP_FINISHED, 
    window = 0x81b4d20, send_event = 1 '\001', state = 136137792}, motion = {
    type = GDK_DROP_FINISHED, window = 0x81b4d20, send_event = 1 '\001', 
    time = 136137792, x = 3.4767759042937207e-308, 
    y = 5.3279786285909357e-315, pressure = 5.3234455565277164e-315, 
    xtilt = 5.3279786285909357e-315, ytilt = 5.3234455565277164e-315, 
    state = 3, is_hint = 1, source = GDK_SOURCE_MOUSE, deviceid = 65244, 
    x_root = 46, y_root = 25}, button = {type = GDK_DROP_FINISHED, 
    window = 0x81b4d20, send_event = 1 '\001', time = 136137792, 
    x = 3.4767759042937207e-308, y = 5.3279786285909357e-315, 
    pressure = 5.3234455565277164e-315, xtilt = 5.3279786285909357e-315, 
    ytilt = 5.3234455565277164e-315, state = 3, button = 1, 
    source = GDK_SOURCE_MOUSE, deviceid = 65244, x_root = 46, y_root = 25}, 
  key = {type = GDK_DROP_FINISHED, window = 0x81b4d20, send_event = 1 '\001', 
    time = 136137792, state = 786474100, keyval = 1638446, 
    length = 1078394880, string = 0x0}, crossing = {type = GDK_DROP_FINISHED, 
    window = 0x81b4d20, send_event = 1 '\001', subwindow = 0x81d4c40, 
    time = 786474100, x = 46.000000011641859, y = 25, x_root = 46, 
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- 
    y_root = 25, mode = GDK_CROSSING_NORMAL, detail = GDK_NOTIFY_NONLINEAR, 
    focus = 1, state = 0}, focus_change = {type = GDK_DROP_FINISHED, 
    window = 0x81b4d20, send_event = 1 '\001', in = 7}, configure = {
    type = GDK_DROP_FINISHED, window = 0x81b4d20, send_event = 1 '\001', 
    x = 7, y = 19520, width = 2077, height = -23436}, property = {
    type = GDK_DROP_FINISHED, window = 0x81b4d20, send_event = 1 '\001', 
    atom = 136137792, time = 786474100, state = 1638446}, selection = {
    type = GDK_DROP_FINISHED, window = 0x81b4d20, send_event = 1 '\001', 
    selection = 136137792, target = 786474100, property = 1638446, 
    requestor = 1078394880, time = 0}, proximity = {type = GDK_DROP_FINISHED, 
    window = 0x81b4d20, send_event = 1 '\001', time = 136137792, 
    source = 786474100, deviceid = 1638446}, client = {
    type = GDK_DROP_FINISHED, window = 0x81b4d20, send_event = 1 '\001', 
    message_type = 136137792, data_format = 42100, data = {
      b = ".\000\031\000\000\000G@\000\000\000\000\000\0009@\000\000\000", 
      s = {46, 25, 0, 16455, 0, 0, 0, 16441, 0, 0}, l = {1638446, 1078394880, 
        0, 1077477376, 0}}}, dnd = {type = GDK_DROP_FINISHED, 
    window = 0x81b4d20, send_event = 1 '\001', context = 0x81d4c40, 
    time = 786474100, x_root = 46, y_root = 25}}

Happy hunting :)

Gregory McLean          | [CENSORED]
ComStar Communications  |
Work:<>| Play: <> or <>
----------------This is my opinion, All MINE! I tell you------------------

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