File naming


Miguel, thanks for the fix to the gmc location box and the .gnumeric
file extention branding. I have another observation about file naming for
text files. 

This is somewhat general, but I would like to see text files
get a .txt extension that links in gmc to the standard text editor. The
standard text editor would be the one defined by the Gnome
Environment:Gnome Edit Properties capplet. That way all text files could
be opened from gmc and the users "standard" editor will open them. 

I would also put in a plug for gEdit to be the default standard. 


> -Would it be possible for gnumetric to "brand" the files that it
> saved? In that way saved spreadsheets would inculde the gnumetric
> mime type, or file extension, or whatever is necessary to launch them
> from
> the file manager. In fact, what Im asking about is really a small bit of
> information stored in the file about who it "belongs" to. I know that
> this meta data is addressed to some extent by mime types, but I wonder
> if
> a stronger association between file/app would be usefull. 

> Done.  Now, the files are saved with a .gnumeric extension. 

> Miguel.
>-- >

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