Couple of control-center .desktop oddities...

Just updated for the first time since the weekend, and noticed that
share/control-center has changed a bit. I also noticed that the
screensaver-properties.desktop is getting installed twice into two
different locations, once to
share/control-center/Workspace/screensaver.desktop by
control-center/capplets/screensaver-properties/Makefile, and to
share/control-center/Desktop/screensaver.destop by
control-center/capplets/Makefile. The first case, .../Workspace/...
doesn't show up in gnomecc or the menu as there is not .directory file
in the Workspace directory. Also, Enlightenment.desktop is still being
installed into the .../Workspace/... directory, so e-conf doesn't show
up at all in gnomecc currently.


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