Re: problems with Kernel 2.2.1 upgrade.... writes:

> HI there all...
> I have not long ago got a copy of the .2.21 kernel. I followed all of
> the instructions in the kernel compile faq, and yet when i boot and
> get to the login prompt - it still reports my OLD kernel version
> number- ie - 2.0.36...? In looking at the things it has compiled in -
> it seems to be different so it MUSDT have upgraded based uppon the new
> compile but fr some reason it wont report the correct number - wht
> have i done wrong??

Even if this is really off-topic on the Gnome Mailing List:

Does `uname -r` tell you the correct kernel version (2.2.1). Does
/proc/version also give you the correct kernel version ? If so, then
you're running the correct kernel.

What appears at the login prompt comes from a file called /etc/issue
and /etc/ if loggin in over the network.

RedHat Linux automatically creates this file during system boot in

# This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.
# You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't
# want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.

if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then
    R=$(cat /etc/redhat-release)

    arch=$(uname -m)
    case "_$arch" in
            _a*) a="an";;
            _i*) a="an";;

    # This will overwrite /etc/issue at every boot.  So, make any changes you
    # want to make to /etc/issue here or you will lose them when you reboot.
    echo "" > /etc/issue
    echo "$R" >> /etc/issue
    echo "Kernel $(uname -r) on $a $(uname -m)" >> /etc/issue

    cp -f /etc/issue /etc/
    echo >> /etc/issue

But you may have to do this manually if you are using a different
Linux distribution.

> also - in making the "ppa" module load before the "lp" module (so i
> can use my zip disk as well as printer) what file do i load these
> modules (and oythers) from at boot time? I am using RedHat 5.2...?

Modules are configured in /etc/modules.conf - to "force" a certain
order you can use something like this:

alias scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx 
alias net-pf-4 off 
alias net-pf-5 off 

alias block-major-3 off 
alias block-major-22 off 

alias net-pf-17 af_packet 
alias sound-slot-0 es1371

alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc 
options parport_pc io=0x378,0x278 irq=7,auto 

# pre-install lp /sbin/modprobe "-k" "parport_pc"

alias dummy1 dummy1 

alias char-major-81 bttv
pre-install bttv /sbin/modprobe msp3400 ; /sbin/modprobe tuner
pre-install msp3400 /sbin/modprobe es1371

options i2c verbose=0 scan=1 i2c_debug=0
options tuner debug=0 type=5
options bttv radio=1

Well, if you're using RedHat this should normally really re-create
your /etc/issue correctly ...

Martin Baulig - -

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