0.99.7 results

Installation was smooth, though apparently there were some gdk-1.1.13
issues. I could not "-Uvh" the whole batch. I had to first "-ivh" GTK,
and then I could "-Uvh" the rest. Somebody is depending on a downlevel
version of GTK. I apologize for not writing down the error messages.
IIRC, there were 3 incidents.

Everything came back up working.

Wandering through, I decided to try "GXedit". When it came up, my panel
on the bottom of the screen suddenly changed. Everything got bigger
vertically. When I exit GXedit, the appearance goes back to normal. One
other oddity, my auto-hide on the bottom panel quit working when I
brought up GXedit. I just now brought it up again, and the symptoms
repeated. One odd aspect... when I started GXedit, the bottom panel
auto-hid. I moved the mouse to bring it back, and it never auto-hides
again. I exit GXedit, and the panel auto-hides. Once I bring it up with
the mouse, again it never auto-hides. I can fiddle with the properties
all I want, and auto-hide is now broken. (After the first time using

I still can't drag a file from gmc to the gedit and have it edit that
file. This applies both it gedit is open, or if it's a button on the

Dale Pontius

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