RE: Yet another newbie

I tried to build .99.6 rpms the day it came out. A problem with Orbit / gtk
/ enlightenment came up so I didn't finish. Over the weekend, I plan to go
back through and update them to .99.7 ( or what ever is out by then)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent:	Tuesday, February 09, 1999 5:37 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject:	RE: Yet another newbie
> On  8 Feb, Fox, Kevin M wrote:
> > I agree whole heartedly.
> > 
> > I have built some more up to date rpms and placed them at
> >
> > and newer enlightenment stuff at
> >
> > 
> > That should tide some people over until the spec problems are resolved.
> > It isn't a perminant solution, but atleast it squashes some bugs in
> .99.3
> > 
> Thank you very much, I appreciate it. Now I don't mean to sound
> ungrateful, but do you have a schedule to get your RPMs up to
> the newly announced 0.99.7 level? If it's in the next few days,
> I'll wait. If not, I'll go ahead and fetch them. Your current
> RPMs are no doubt better than what I'm running now, but I suspect
> that their debug value to the developers is lacking. Of course,
> the 0.99.3 I'm running now probably has no debug value whatsoever.
> Honestly, this whole RPM thing highlights a problem somewhere, be
> it in GNOME, CVS, or in RPM, itself. I thought part of the joy of
> CVS was supposed to be the 'integrated' nature of things. Some-
> where, somehow, adding RPMs as a target of the build system should
> not be the killer issue it seems to be, here. 
> Dale Pontius

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