Building gnome-core-1.0.55 RPM

Hi Everyone,

I have a problem concerning rpm builds from source RPMs and tar balls.

When I try to build an RPM package for something like gnome-core-1.0.55, 

I get internal compilers errors.  I know that this is probably due to 
fact that I have an AMD K6-2 350 processor.  I understand that this can 
expected from this batch of that processor.  What I currently do is 
re-issue the RPM build command

	rpm -tb --target=i586 gnome-core-1.0.55.tar.gz

Unfortunately, this means that RPM must once again unpack the source 
configure it and finally start the build.  Is there a way to get RPM to
resume the build from where it last failed like the "make" command does? 
In fact, what I do after the second failed attempt to build the RPM is 
go into the BUILD directory and issue the "make" command to complete the
build.  Then I run "make install" to install the it.  What this means is 

that I have gnome-core-1.0.55 installed but the "rpm -q gnome-core" 
tells me that gnome-core-1.0.53 is the latest version of that package 
installed on my system.

Can anyone tell me or point me to some documentation dealing with how to 

resume RPM builds after a previous attempt had failed?  I would 
any suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

Bidemi Temidire

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of a de facto standard.

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The Sympatico
rebels will probably have to get used to the fact that, just like VHS 
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