Upgrading Oracle using gnome-terminal


I've recently had to upgrade Oracle at work on 40+ servers.
I'm pretty sure the install program 'orainst' uses ncurses.

I tried using gnome-terminal to run orainst but gnome-terminal
didn't update the screen properly.  I could work my way
through it because I was confident of the choices.  As soon as
I finished the install and quit orainst, any command I issued
in the filesystem resulted in the screen being cleared.  I'm
not sure if the output was there at all but the screen always
cleared and left me with a prompt as the first line of the

I had to switch to xiterm which performed flawlessly in this
instance.  It even showed the colored letters (I assume ANSI
color codes) where appropriate.  Any ideas why gnome-terminal
couldn't do the same?

BTW, I use the default font with gnome-terminal.

Thanks for the help.


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