Re: Upgrading Oracle using gnome-terminal

In message <>, Jua
n Martinez writes:

>I've recently had to upgrade Oracle at work on 40+ servers.
>I'm pretty sure the install program 'orainst' uses ncurses.

>I tried using gnome-terminal to run orainst but gnome-terminal
>didn't update the screen properly.  I could work my way
>through it because I was confident of the choices.  As soon as
>I finished the install and quit orainst, any command I issued
>in the filesystem resulted in the screen being cleared.  I'm
>not sure if the output was there at all but the screen always
>cleared and left me with a prompt as the first line of the

>I had to switch to xiterm which performed flawlessly in this
>instance.  It even showed the colored letters (I assume ANSI
>color codes) where appropriate.  Any ideas why gnome-terminal
>couldn't do the same?

>BTW, I use the default font with gnome-terminal.

>Thanks for the help.

I think the zvt widget only partially implements ANSI color codes.  For
example, I don't use gnome-terminal on my home machine because it can't cope
with my colorized prompt (color xterm, nxterm, and rxvt have no problem with
it).  Perhaps the zvt code was lifted from mc, which also has this problem.

I've discussed the problem with mc with Miguel in the past, but I haven't had
the time or motivation to try to fix it.


John GOTTS <>

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