RE: where is corba?

There is a corba project called Transfer Manager (we are redoing Gnome
Transfer Manager) that will use corba to do exactly what you are talking

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Victor Bogado da Silva Lins 
> []
> Sent: Friday, August 13, 1999 11:45 AM
> To:
> Subject: where is corba?
> 	I was using gnorpm and gftp, and I figured why was 
> gnorpm trying to
> download the files for itself? Why he would not ask for gftp or better
> yet gnome transfer manager, that uses wget) for a download 
> using a corba
> interface? I thing that should be a corba service for asking for
> downloads and every app that needs a download could use it.
> 	But even more then that I think that should be a corba 
> service for
> everything that more than one app need, and is more less asyncronous.
> Why don't we start a trhead of sujestions for new corba interfaces and
> ways of integrating diferent gnome apps to work together. :-)
> -- 
> "You take the red pill and you stay in wonderland,
> and I'll show you how deep the rabit hole goes", Morpheus.
> []'s Victor Bogado da Silva Lins
> -- 
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