Re: Display Settings?...

At 05:45 PM 8/12/99 EDT, wrote:
>OK, i'm sure i'm being completely retarded, 

Nonsense, ignorance and stupidity are completely different animals:)  

>but I've been stuck in Windows 
>forever and I finally built myself a linux box so I can mess around with it 
>until I can go to it full blown. My question is how the hell do I change the 
>display settings, like monitor, color depth, resolution, refresh rate, etc...

Xconfigurator (run at the command prompt) handles the color depth,
resolution, refresh rate, etc, etc.  X does all this stuff for us, Gnome
doesn't.  That's the reason you couldn't find anything in Gnome, its not

>Also, what is the correct way to shut down Red Hat 6.0? I've been going to 
>reboot Gnome and shutting it off at the POST because I haven't been able to 
>find anything that says something about shutting down, or quiting to a 
>command promt or anything like that.

There's nothing wrong with doing it the way you are doing, aside from the
fact that it's a hassle.  To get to a command prompt, simply 'Log Out' of
Gnome.  If you have a computer that supports it, you can turn on a the
setting "Power Off on Shutdown" (or something to that effect) when you
recompile your kernel (if your that adventerous).  I don't know how this
will effect your shutdown process, however, as I've never used it.

To shutdown from the command line, use 'shutdown -h now', this will halt
the system when its OK to shutdown the computer.

Im not sure whether or not Gnome implements a shutdown and halt on the menu
side, as I usually logoff and manually type in the shutdown command.
Perhaps someone else can answer this question on the Gnome side.

Cory Watson
Computer Cafe Internet Services

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