Re: UI considerations

> I don't think you can call the MS start button awkward whilst using
> Gnome, which blatently copied the idea :-)

You can, very easily.
The start button menu vanishes when another window is displayed. Given the
depth, it can get very awkward when you're 4 levels deep, and IE5 decides to
bring itself to the top (like it does randomly every so often.)

The Gnome foot my have copied the idea, but it improved on it to remove the
awkwardness... just so long as it doesn't copy WinNT5^h^h^h2000's new
feature where menus don't just appear (like 95), they don't slide into view
(like 98), but the fade into view, taking a good second everytime you go to
a new menu.
 And you can move the foot too...

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