To quote Michael Cain (even though I don't like his movies much
"Somebody, Somewhere MUST know Something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

so could someone please help!

Ok see, I've installed this lovely GNOME over the last few weeks.
But one of the main reasons I did so was to get this drag and drop
front end. Now, if I drop a text file onto a gnome editor (as a short
cut on the desktop) it doesn't auto launch with the text file in it. I
thought this was what drag and drop was all about. (the Mac and
windoze can do it).

Now with this great and sophisticated and configurable gnome front
end it wouldn't surprise me if I'm just doing something wrong in my
properties setup for example.

For a start "should" this work?
If so how to configure?
Is there any good doco or info anyone can point me to to find out?
Should I be posting this question somewhere else in gnome cyberspace?

If this is a really silly question to seasoned gnomers please forgive
me but I've only been learning the stuff for a handfull of days.

Any answers long short or tiny warmly welcomed!:)


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