Re: [Fwd: Gnome RPM Configuration Help]

> The distributions page allows you to place ratings on the different
> distributions that are indexed on the rpmfind server.  It also allows you
> to specify your favourite mirror.  If you are using the
> metadata server (the default for binary distributed with RH6).  On the
> other hand, if you use the larger server, there are about 90
> distributions, so you may want to give the rpmfind code some hints as to
> what to pick (for a start, if you are using a red hat based distribution,
> set the SUSE distributions in the list to -1, so they don't get chosen).
> If you want, don't even worry about this page.


 my analysis of the feedback I got from rpmfind users tends to prove that
it's a not well know feature. Maybe a simplistic default option like
"fetch only from the iinstalled distribution" turned on by default would
avoid troubles. This would also I guess cover distributors concerns, and
avoid them having the default setup pointing to a reduced metadata base
like RedHat did for 6.0.
 Then being able to pick in a menu a set of other distribs and "add them"
would allow "experienced users" to have a richer set to choose from (however
source package queries should really search the full set).


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