needing information

hey gang,

i'm writing an article for TechRepublic about necessary updates for gnome
and was wondering if anyone has an idea where i can get a description of
what individual packages actually do.  for instance:  what does gnome-core
do? i can make my educated guess but i'd rather have either 'quotables' or
'documentables'.  i've looked through the gnome help system and couldn't
find anything on what the 'core packages' do.

if anyone could help i'd greatly appreciate it!  thanks in advance.

J   A   C   K      W   A   L   L   E   N,   J   R.       
get jack'd @  get  L   I   N   U   X  or get lost 
Homer:	I don't want you to see me sitting on my worthless butt.

Bart:	We've seen it, Dad.

		   Homer at the Bat

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