Caanvas and friends (was Re: gdkrgb widget up to date?)

On Tue, 27 Apr 1999, Raph Levien wrote:
> Yep, it's up to date.
OK, cool.

Now, on the subject of the canvas, I've been looking through the
documentation and bits of code, trying to determine how usable the canvas
is as this point.  I'm considering writing a PageMaker-type program,
obviously using the canvas and a few special canvas widgets to do the
necessary rendering.

I'm wondering what the timeline might be for getting GtkCaanvas available
for general use, outside of gfonted?  I'd definitely like to start writing
the program with caanvas instead of the existing GNOME canvas, especially
if I end up having to create my own canvas widgets.

If there's anything I can help with to get the caanvas packaged up and
readily accessible for people such as myself, let me know.  I'm rapidly
ramping up on autoconf, and am already maintaining a full public build
tree and have applied bunches of patches to CVS for build and bug fixes.


         Erik Walthinsen <> - Staff Programmer @ OGI
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