Re: IBM just announced speech recognition: was (Re: gnome andhandicapped access..)

By all means, try to develop OSS speech regonition, but good luck finding
talent.  IBM and others have countless years of research tied up in this,
and their employees will be under strick NDAs.  It would appear the only
chance is grad students researching the area.  Unfortunately if that's
their area of research, we lose them after they go to industry and start
signing NDAs.  Having a high rate of talent turn over like that would be
horribly disruptive to a project like this, where lots of experience is
needed to develop a good product.


> > As nice as that would be, it's extremely wishful thinking. There's
> > almost no chance in hell that we could develop a speech package that
> > would come anywhere close to the quality of IBM's. They've been
> > developing and optimizing that thing for years and years, and
> > supposedly they have about the best speech recognition package that
> > there is.
> This is the same attitude that produced emacs, gcc, Linux, and other
> software packages that compete favorably with commercial equivalents. I
> highly recommend that we all adopt this attitude as the disposition of
> choice among the (now former) free software hackers.

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