Re: GnomeICU

I am not an RPM user, but I know a couple of things to check.  I looked in
the /i386/ directory of the gnome ftp site and it does not look like libgdk,
libglib, or libgmodule are in there.  So, here is the question of the day:
Do you have these libraries installed?  If you installed them with RPM
(which you probably did), then do:

$ rpm -q libgdk

and so on for the other failed dependencies.  This will tell you if the
package is installed, and, if it is, what version you have installed.  If
you have the right versions of all of these packages, then RPM is on crack
and you can do the --nodeps thing (which is not a good habit to get into, by
the way).  If you don't have the required packages, grab them from your
favorite ftp site and installed them.

By the way, "unpack" refers to uncompressing and/or untaring .tar.gz or .tar
files respectivly.  You don't "unpack" RPMs, you just installed them.  I
think.  If I am wrong, I am really really sorry and horribly embarassed.

I hope that helps.


----- Original Message -----
From: Ken Marin
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 1999 5:45 PM
Subject: GnomeICU


I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask for help with this but I
don't where else to go.

Running RH 5.2 and Gnome1.0 on a PII when I try to un pack the
gnomeicu-0.62-2.i386.rpm I get
    [root@Ken /downloads]# rpm -Uvh gnomeicu-0.62-2.i386.rpm
    failed dependencies: is needed by gnomeicu-0.62-2 is needed by gnomeicu-0.62-2 is needed by gnomeicu-0.62-2 is needed by gnomeicu-0.62-2

I thought these were included with Gnome.

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