Re: So close, yet so far...

I'm not sure how you are starting up Gnome. This is what I do and it
comes up perfectly every time.

The new install guide doesn't say where Xclients is located.

emacs (or vi)  /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients

Delete everything and enter:

   		exec gnome-session

Save and exit, then enter at prompt: startx

Note: you might have problems from left over files from previous
attempts. I'm not sure. When I finally figured out how to work things,
I re-installed linux and gnome for a clean, fresh start. I ended up
with less "strange" later on.

On Wed, 21 Apr 1999 20:37:54 -0400, you wrote:

>OK, I've "mastered" getting Gnome installed.  Now the hard part, editing the
>X startup files.  I made what I thought were appropriate edits to
>$HOME/.Xclients to no avail.  I added a call to /usr/bin/enlightenment and
>exec gnome-session.  Gnome seems to start up but I don't get the panel at
>the bottom of the screen.
>Enlightenment starts up (the progress bar on the screen completes) and then
>a message comes up telling me "another window manager is already running".
>I can't seem to get rid of it.  Although Gnome basically seems to be there
>there's no nice panel at the bottom.
>Please help a Linux newbie!  Someone else on the list asked how to edit the
>startup files and got the answer "use vi".  While technically this may be
>correct there's many of us who don't yet grok the zen of X Windows startup
>files.  A nice step-by-step guide would be extraordinarily useful!

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