Re: Gnome on FreeBSD??? No Luck!!!

Devin Butterfield wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to get gnome to compile on FreeBSD 3.1 with very little
> success. I can manage to compile all the sources up to
> libgtop-1.0.1.tar.gz....which is where it dies!
> The make for libgtop dies with:
> "/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to 'dgettext'"
> I have browsed the news groups and found many suggestions that
> may be missing, but this is not the case here...gettext is
> correctly installed and is present in /usr/local/lib.
> Also many people say that their efforts fail while compiling gnome-libs,
> but gnome-libs compiled just fine for me.
> Does anyone know what the heck is going wrong here? Has anyone managed
> to get the recent distributions of gnome running on FreeBSD 3.1, and if
> so, could you please share your experience? Any tricks?
I'm running on Linux, but I can offer you a few pointers on finding out
where the problem is.

This error is coming up during the link phase.
1. Check that -lintl is in the link command printed on the screen.
2. If it isn't check the output of ``configure'' to see if it was detected,
   sometimes the config process does not complain correctly.
3. If it is, do a ``nm /usr/local/lib/'' and pipe it through
   less or grep to see if there is a DEFINED reference to dgettext, mine does.
4. If it doesn't you probably have the wrong version of gettext, mine is
   ``gettext-0.10'' I think. (the library is called ``''
5. If it is in there, and the library is on the command line, the only
   other thing it can be is the ordering of the libraries. If a library
   that needs something, i.e. dgettext, is placed before a library that
   suplies it, the linker will not pick up the definition. This would be
   a configure problem again, but you can test it initialy by just
   playing with the macros in the Makefiles.

Good luck.


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        It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take
Hofstadter's Law into account.

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