Gnome, gmc comments

First off, after unsuccessfully trying to get gnome-session to work right
several months ago, I took the time to try again today, and after removing
the .gnome directory, got it all working on the first try.  I went from a
mostly window maker environment to a mostly Gnome one, and it looks great!
A few comments however: 

two options I would _love_ to see are:
an option to save window size (I like it bigger and hate having to resize
it every time I open a new gmc window)
an option to have textonly/piconly/both for buttons on the toolbar 

if it's ok, I would be happy to make these changes though based on how
toolbars are created in gnome, I wondering how difficult it would be to
change the text/pic/both on the fly.

it would be cool if the gnome-pager had:
an option to show tasks for all items, not just current window
an option to have the pager on other side of the task list

gnome session
it starts my windowmanager (window maker) on startup, but it doesn't kill
it when I log out of gnome, should it?
also, with gnome-session + window maker, the windows that appear at
startup are all in workspace 1, is this a gnome-windowmaker interaction
problem, or is something missconfigured on my system?


Christopher Rogers      Stevens Institute of Technology

As for why he didn't want to be quoted by name, the executive said that he
deals with Microsoft and he fears that willingness to publicly criticize the
company would make him a target of potential wrath from the software maker. 
Maybe that says the most about Microsoft, he added. 
					-Infoworld Electric

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