Re: Couple of Gnome programming problems

> *	The turn indicator at the right of the status bar is not
> 	  growing/shrinking. When the server tells the client how many
> 	  players are in the game, I try to resize the GtkDrawingArea
> 	  indicator in the GnomeAppBar. Unfortunately nothing happens
> 	  (If I manually resize the main window, everything is magically
> 	  fixed up).

You can try this: 
	gtk_widget_queue_resize (widget)

> *	The map is rendered on a GtkDrawingArea. When you resize the
> 	  window, the map is redrawn at the maximum scale that will fit
> 	  in the available area. Unfortunately, the entire drawing area
> 	  seems to be getting cleared with the background colour before
> 	  I get my "expose" event. This causes a really annoying flicker
> 	  (window manager is set to do opaque resize).

This is a neat hack I got from Federico (we use this in Gnumeric):
Set the backing pixmap for the window to NULL, like this:

gtk_window_set_back_pixmap (GTK_WIDGET (drawing_area)->window, NULL, FALSE);

> *	The dialog that the user interacts with to discard resources
> 	  is constructed using gnome_dialog_new(). Unfortunately, the
> 	  GnomeDialog widget class sets up a default "delete_event"
> 	  handler which automatically closes the dialog. I want to be
> 	  able to prevent the dailog being killed via the window
> 	  mananger.

you can use the gtk_signal_disconnect* family of functions.

but what exactly do you want to do?

Best wishes,

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