VB: drag'n drop

Hi again all,

maybe whe soon have a fully gnome-compliant mpg123 frontend:

I am talking about the very cool GQmpeg by John Ellis.

It's lovely to se all the those people starting to make nice gnome-compliant


Daniel Persson <daniel@abonet.se> wrote:

>im using your cool program and i like it alot and i just have one question:
>are you considering making your program gnome-compliant ?
>That is, make the playlist and the player to accept drag'n drop etc.
>This would be very nice and handy.

I have many plans for the next release, drag'n drop is one of them.

>PS It would be nice if it was real gnome-compliant and where shipped with
>the base distro like gqview

John Ellis <johne@bellatlantic.net>

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