Re: GNOME vs GNU gcc & glibc

>>  Things would be much easier if GNOME were distributed
>>  (and installed) like X11.

> What aspect of the X11 distribution system are you suggesting we emulate?

 I have counted 53 tar-balls for the GNOME project. I would prefer
 GNOME to first come clean and free of applications; just the
 libraries and the core of the project should be left. All the rest
 shall come by side, just like netscape and xemacs are not part of X11.
 At that point, all the tar-balls shall be merged together in a unique
 tar-ball. If it is large, you can split it in parts. A single run of
 configure will then prepare the source tree for compilation. A single
 run of make will compile all the sources. This makes the life easier
 for this *single*, although complex, project. 

  An additional point is the following. Why should one mess up the
 system by installing the above 53+ tar-balls in /usr ? Yes, I made my
 attempt to install GNOME in /sw/gnome, and I reported the problems I
 encountered. The X11 comes clean into his very own /usr/X11R6, so why
 not having something like /usr/GNOME ?  The additional advantage for
 doing this is that, like Xfree98, one can download the official (and
 tested) binary, and use it withouth bothering too much about which
 compiler, which libs etc.

> What, as a huge monolithic spaghetti-code tarball that isn't even tested
> on most machines?

 Not necessarily.


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