Re: esd just won't let me play games

I have had success using the following:

1.  Wherever you start esd from, start it with the following
parameters:    esd -as 2 -nobeeps

2.  As root, run 'esdctl unlock'.  This frees all users to use esd. 
There may be security implications to this; someone else will need to
address this for you.  If you are using this at home or on a single PC,
it should be OK.


"Smith, Nathan A., Capt. SMC/TEL" wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question about using esd.  I have read some of the earlier post
> about using esd with an esd unaware program.  I have tried the "program |
> esdcat", "esdcat > program", etc combinations in an attempt to get programs
> (well actually games) to work correctly.  Programs such as Quake, Maelstrom,
> Xgal, etc refuse to work correctly with esd.  To make matters worse - once I
> start the esd program it will not release /dev/dsp.  This is true even if I
> suspend or out right kill esd.  So my questions are:
> 1.  How do I get games to work with esd?
> 2.  If that is not possible, what is the proper way to get the /dev/dsp
> device released?
> 3.  How can I confirm that the device is released?  I have seen a command
> that tells what program is using a device, but I have lost that information
> somewhere.
> 4.  I have been using the sound-applet (nice applet), it though has trouble
> restarting esd after I have 'suspended esd'.  (I question if esd is
> suspended as the /dev/dsp device is never released)
> Thanks in advance for any assistance.
> BTW:  I am running enlightenment 15.4 with gnome (all the latest versions)
> on a redhat 5.0 system (with all the necessary packages upgraded) run on a
> AMD K6-2 266 with 96 megs of memory.
> Nathan
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