Re: static vs shared (was: Re: Win vs. UNIX usability )

>>>>> "L" == Liss Svanberg <> writes:

L> Perhaps I should end this letter, saying that I never intended to
L> insult anyone.  I really hope that it never sounded as if I said
L> that the Gnome developers did someting stupid. 

Well, I at least didn't think you had.  I'm just trying to understand
what you think is a problem.  I can't think of any applications that
include their own shared libraries.  At first, I thought you might
have been espousing a JWZ-like attitude that shared-libraries are
always bad.  In general, I've found Unix apps to be very good about
not generating unnecessary shared libraries.

Alan Shutko <> - By consent of the corrupted
Don't blame me, I'm from Uranus.

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