Re: Anon CVS server access problem

On 28 Sep 1998, Elliot Lee wrote:

>On Mon, 28 Sep 1998 22:34:14 +0200 (CET), Junichi Saito <>
>>Somebody already sent a mail about the same problem, some ten days ago. 
>>I haven't been able to access the server for more than a week now. I get
>>invariably the following message :
>>cvs [update aborted]: authorization failed: server
>>rejected access
>>Has the access method changed, or have restrictions of some kind been
>>introduced ?
>Make sure you're using the right $CVSROOT
>Nothing else will do,
>-- Elliot
>"In film you will find four basic story lines. Man versus man, man
> versus nature, nature versus nature, and dog versus vampire."
>    - Steven Spielberg
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I have always been using as root and haven't noticed the
change. Now it seems to work, I don't get rejected anymore.

Sorry for my inattention.

junichi > /dev/null 2>&1 

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