strange panel/applet problem

If let the gnome-session start the panel, i can't add applets from
outside the panel.
If i start the panel from the commandline, it works.
my .xsession file looks like:
fvwm2 &
gnome-session >& /tmp/gnome-session.errors

after login in an xterm:
cd ..../gnome/core/applet/charpick
   Message: Initializing CORBA for applet
   ** ERROR **: Could not communicate with the panel
   Aborted (core dumped)

if i click on
then the applet starts fine.

yes, the gnome-core executables are installed, so the
charpicker_applet in .../bin and
....gnome-core/applets/charpicker/.lib are the same.

I'm missing this functionality for my fvsm-pager applet, becuase this
*has* to be started by the fvwm2, not by the panel.

Did i miss something? Isn't it possible anymore to start panel-applets 
from the command line?

Michael Lausch/g.a.m.s. edv dienstleistungen gmbh
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