Re: word processor document format: what parts?

> From: Christopher Curtis <>
> When someone sits down to start typing on a "balnk sheet", the first line
> should already be indented according to a deafult style sheet.  People
> will find this confusing, but will take the time to figure out how or why,

No defaults!  When you create a new blank document, you get a dialog box
with choices

( ) Letter
( ) Memo or Article
( ) Dissertation
( ) Book
( ) Unstructured Notes
( ) Create New Style

Even my Grandmother will know whether she is writing a letter or a
book.  Of course, the list of choices depends upon what document
classes are available.  Also, please distinguish "document class"
(what structure tags are available for use in the document) from
"style sheet" (fonts and formatting to use to render each tag).

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