Re: panel questions (new to gnome)

On 20 Sep, George scribbled:


>> 3. what is the best way to configure the panel?  is there a gui?  or is
>> editing some file a better approach?
> all gui ... right click on the panel for a panel menu, drag applets or
> panels around with the middle button ... in the menus when you see a button
> with three dots on it, click on it to add stuff to the panel
> George

  I was wondering about this, seems to me like it's a bad
idea to have only GUI configuration for the panel.  Then you get cases
like what happened to me..somehow my gnome-session and panel lost all my
settings and reverted to their original state; worse, the settings I
made weren't added.  I poked around in .gnome and found files with my
old settings but I couldn't figure out why they weren't being read...
  I finally wiped my settings and started over.  But gnome really needs
text-file configurability.  It's a Linux program, right?....


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