A Few Ideas

I've been running GNOME 0.20 on Red Hat Linux 5.1 for
over a month, and I came up with some ideas, listed below.
Maybe some are being implemented now, but I haven't
seen it.

Keep up the great work guys!!!

1.  Add the ability to run programs as processes
    under other user names, like "root" from another
    account.  A right-button click over a program
    icon could bring up dialog to specify the user
    and password.

2.  The wallpaper/background setting could
    have the option to "slide show" through
    a list of images.  The delay interval
    can be set.

3.  A voice synthesizer-to-GNOME connection can
    let GNOME and applications "speak" messages
    and alerts.

4.  Main Menu configuration can show an icon palette
    of available programs found in $PATH.  The user
    can then drag and drop programs to the desired
    location in the Main Menu.

5.  Cute: The database of CD titles and song names (in
    CDDB) for CD Player might include the lyrics
    to the songs.  The words can then be displayed
    with the music that's playing.


J.W. Bizzaro                  Phone: 617-552-3905
Boston College                mailto:bizzaro@bc.edu
Department of Chemistry       http://www.uml.edu/Dept/Chem/Bizzaro/

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