Re: gkb

] I think there is few matters with GKB, because you splitted from 
] gnome-core/applets/ (It was right, I forgot to write a
] path-dependent #define for configfiles...)

 Ooops. I watched at CVS log, and at properties.c's log I found a better
 makeshift for that problem... Thanks, Elliot..

] I coded over that miss, so I'm waitin' for other bugs, ideas, and help at
] theme "how can I cache two pixmaps for load from files" to make this little
] applet faster.. And of course I'm waiting for a pointer, where could I
] write an entry at Makefile of applets, when you approved that.

 The questions are open yet...
Szabolcs Ban - / SZIF ComputerCentre /
   - Shooby Ban / LSC - Linux Supporting Center / -
The karma means fate, cup, fortune, cast, lot, weird, portion. It's the end.

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